Friday, February 12, 2010

CFP/CFT AppSec US 2010

OWASP is currently soliciting papers and training proposals for the OWASP AppSec USA, California 2010

Conference that will take place at the UC Irvine Conference Center in beautiful Orange County, CA on September 7th through 10th of 2010. There will be training courses on September 7th and 8th followed by plenary sessions on the 9th and 10th with each day having at least three tracks. AppSec USA may also have BOF (informal adhoc meetings), break out, or speed talks in addition to the standard schedule depending on the submissions we receive.

We are seeking people and organizations that want to present on any of the following topics (in no particular order):

- Business Risks with Application Security.
- Starting and Managing Secure Development Lifecycle Programs.
- Web Services-, XML- and Application Security.
- Metrics for Application Security.
- Application Threat Modeling.
- Hands-on Source Code Review.
- Web Application Security Testing.
- OWASP Tools and Projects.
- Secure Coding Practices (J2EE/.NET).
- Privacy Concerns with Applications and Data Storage
- Web Application Security countermeasures
- Technology specific presentations on security such as AJAX, XML, etc.
- Anything else relating to OWASP and Application Security.
To make a submission you must include :
- Presenter(s) name(s)
- Presenter(s) Email and/or Phone number(s)
- Presenter(s) bio(s)
- Title
- Abstract
- Any supporting research/tools (will not be released outside of CFP committee)

Submission deadline is June 6th at 12PM PST (GMT -8)
Please forward to all interested practitioners and colleagues.

Kate Hartmann
OWASP Operations Director
9175 Guilford Road
Suite 300
Columbia, MD 21046

Skype: kate.hartmann1

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