Friday, January 6, 2012


Many of you have written to us asking about the requirement for a paper in our CFP hosted on EasyChair.  Due to an unforeseen change in the way EasyChair works, you are no longer able to configure a submission to require only an abstract as we thought we had done, and done in the past.  To be clear, we are ***NOT*** requiring papers with our CFP submissions.  As we have already started the CFP and can not move the platform we ask that anyone who does not have a paper simply submit their abstract as a .txt file to satisfy the systems requirement to upload a paper.

We apologize for this inconvenience and the confusion it has caused and as a result of the confusion, we are extending the AppSec DC CFP deadline to Feburary 17th 2012 at 11:59 EST to allow all to submit their topics.

The AppSec DC Program Committee

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 The Year of Software Security

Committee Chairs,

Now that budgets have been passed, please take the time this week to review and EDIT the page to update your respective committee members:

As we kick off 2012 everyone has resolutions now is a good time to reconfirm active individual participation and to allow those that wish to pass the torch or transfer to other committees to do so.

OWASP Project/Chapter leaders:

To join a global committee, the process is VERY EASY simply self-nominate, then ask your peers in your region (example Latin America, North America, APAC, etc..) to support your efforts as a regional voice in the continued evolution of OWASP Foundation:

The committees purpose should be looked at as focused task forces establishing a framework with for all community members to utilize focused on global missions around things such as:

- Quality Offerings (Projects/Education)

- Marketing / Public Relations OWASP (Connections)

- Gathering Industry Requirements and Collaboration (Industry)

- Continued Regional Growth (Chapters)

- Global Events and Training (Conferences)

- Setting Value and Governance (Membership)

So we need people from different parts of the world to bring perspectives and contribute the most precious resource professional time.

2012 is the year of Software Security -- there is no doubt from headline news to start-up companies around the world that software and its security is a important part of the global fabric.

Join Us!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Kick Off - Call to Action

Calling Chapter Leaders in key markets such as: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC, London, Toronto, and Vancouver. Post your next chapter meeting at Gary's Guide and you might find some new faces that understand software and want to learn about security:

Project/chapter leaders worldwide, perform "outside the echo chamber" outreach to other groups in 2012. Offer up your favorite OWASP Project presentation to help evangelize the OWASP mission, community.

Start here: (keyword: mobile, programming, .net, java, internet, computer, developer, find local groups)

Got something new to share?? Be sure to submit the CFP for the OWASP Global AppSec Conferences. 2012 has a lot of exciting things happening that rely on software, let's not forget the core of "fight club" -- have fun sharing technical knowledge, open-source code and the social collaboration with people as together we build a vibrant global professional association that has exploded all over the world:

If you have other tips or suggestions please share what you will do to advance the OWASP mission.

Semper Fi,

Tom Brennan

OWASP Foundation