Over the weekend, I received several inquiries regarding AppSec EU 2018 and AppSec USA which got me thinking about what do we (OWASP) need to do to ensure that the these two very special and focused conferences are a huge success.
Naturally, I thought about the basic elements of execution, logistics, the cities, London and San Jose, the networking events, and the food. I reviewed the training program and the conferences to understand more about the the event. But at the end I came back to the same and most powerful component of the any and all OWASP events and conferences...and It's You!
The OWASP foundation is built on a strong a community of committed and dedicated web security specialists who are diligent about what they do and how they do it. These conferences are your conferences. The very essence of the conferences is based on you the attendee. Sharing your experiences during training sessions, speaking and talking about best practices and new trends in application and internet security, talking through ideas during coffee breaks and the lunch, spending time talking about the OWASP projects, and attending the Chapter leaders meeting; all of these events will only truly be successful if you come to the conference.
These are your conferences and training sessions, if you are there to contribute as a trainer or a student, as a speaker at a conference session or a conference attendee then AppSec EU 2018 and AppSec USA 2018 will be a success.
These Conferences are the ultimate meeting /gathering place for the application security professional.
Join OWASP and register now for AppSec EU2018. Submit your CFP or CFT for AppSec USA 2018. Come to the conferences, create the experience - we want to see you there! Make it the best AppSec Experience by being there!