OWASP AppSensor Detection Points in the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set
I have begun the process of implementing the OWASP AppSensor Detection Points (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/AppSensor_DetectionPoints) within the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_ModSecurity_Core_Rule_Set_Project).
- Enforcing the expected Request Method(s)
- Enforce the number of expected parameters (min-max range)
- Enforce parameter names
- Enforce parameter lengths (min-max range)
- Enforce Character Classes
- Flag (e.g. - /path/to/foo.php?param)
- Digits (e.g. - /path/to/foo.php?param=1234)
- Alpha (e.g. - /path/to/foo.php?param=abcd)
- AlphaNumeric (e.g. - /path/to/foo.php?param=abcd1234)
- Email (e.g. - /path/to/foo.php?param=foo@bar.com)
- Path (e.g. - /path/to/foo.php?param=/dir/somefile.txt)
- URL (e.g. - /path/to/foo.php?param=http://somehost/dir/file.txt)
- SafeText (e.g. - /path/to/foo.php?param=some_data-12)
Ryan Barnett
OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Project Leader