Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Call for Papers for the OWASP Track at Global AppSec Research/EU

(posted by Mark Bristow mark.bristow@owasp.org )

OWASP Leaders,

The Call for Papers for the OWASP Track at Global AppSec Research/EU (July 10th through 13th 2012 in Athens, Greece) is now open.  OWASP leaders with interesting projects/activities can submit here: https://docs.google.com/a/owasp.org/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGJEYlFsQi1xamx5c2kyTTdGcmZCZkE6MA#gid=0.  The CFP for will close on April 15th 2012.

Submissions must:
  • Be about active OWASP Projects or activities
  • Be in a 50 Minute or 15 Minute format (final schedule will be determined in conjunction with the event)
  • Authors must agree to the OWASP Speaker Agreement
  • Comply to the applicable Global Conference Committee Policies (related to all events & speakers)
  • Be OWASP branded, no company templates (presenters must limit mention of their employer to a company logo on the concluding slide of their presentation)
  • Presentations that provide a link to a recording of previous presenter performance will be scored significantly higher
  • Presentations on active projects will be scored higher
  • Some projects will be determined as once OWASP wants to highlight so new project leaders should not be discouraged if they have great presentation skills
The OWASP Track initiative, jointly led by the Global Conferences Committee and the Global Projects Committee, is a new effort to help OWASP promote our projects and activities at our own major conferences. The goal of this track is to highlight and promote OWASP and offer our leaders a chance to showcase their activities. As such this is a different CFP than one typically issued, submissions should highlight a particular OWASP project or activity that is important to the community at large. The joint GCC/GPC program committee will be judging these submissions on a variety of factors, including project/activity maturity, strategic value to OWASP, relevance to the event audience, and past presentation performance. We intend to highlight brand new projects and activities along with established ones, so new project leaders should not be discouraged from applying! Keep in mind though that we are looking for polished presentations so it will help your submission if you can demonstrate that your project/activity has made recent strides in improving quality.    There are limited OWASP funds to support travel for selected presenters, we will ask that presenters first solicit funding from their employers for travel to the event.

Presenters that perform well in their OWASP Track talk will be invited to join the OWASP Speakers Group.
Global Conferences Committee, Mark Bristow, Chair
Global Projects Committee, Jason Li, Chair

Mark Bristow
(703) 596-5175

OWASP Global Conferences Committee Chair - http://is.gd/5MTvF
OWASP DC Chapter Co-Chair - http://is.gd/5MTwu
AppSec DC Organizer - https://www.appsecdc.org


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