OWASP Connector Newsletter - November 25, 2015
OWASP in the NEWS!Toolswatch '2015 Best Security Tool' survey: Please vote for your favorite OWASP security tools! AppSec California Application and Web Security Training Sessions Announced, PR.com Test-Aankoop: helft webwinkels niet goed beveiligd (Half of ecommerce websites tested not properly secured), Het Niewsblad (Belgium). OWASP PodcastsOWASP Projects and activities are often the subject of webcasts and podcasts. Sit back and relax as you watch and listen to these recent episodes. Mark Miller interviews Board members Tom Brennan and Josh Sokol about an upcoming event in NYC: OWASP Shark Tank - Could You Convince Someone to Invest in Your Project? Mark Miller - OWASP 24/7 Podcast Series |
ToolsWatchSurveySimon Bennetts asks you to please vote for you favorite OWASP security tools in the Toolswatch '2015 Best Security Tool' survey: http://www.toolswatch.org/2015/11/vote-for-2015-best-security-tool/ In 2014 OWASP tools came in at number: 2. ZAP and in 2013: 1. ZAP Project Reviewers NeededThank you for volunteering! Timo Pagel, Munir Njiru, Ricardo Campo and Jorge Stephan and Nikola Milosevic The Volunteer Board has a number of openings: OWASP Security Shepherd - Project Reviews will be available on the Leader List the week of 12/7
OWASP Security Logging Project - One Volunteer still needed Thank you in advance for your efforts and time. Initiative Leader: OWASP PodCasts created by Mark Miller offer a great forum for getting an update on projects. Listen to interviews with project leaders at https://soundcloud.com/owasp-podcast. Latest ReleasesOWASP Mth3l3m3nt Framework User Guide |
Global AppSec Events |
AppSec EU 2016 is coming to Rome, Italy on 27 June to 1 July 2016! The Call for Trainings is Now Available! Deadline for proposals: 31 December, 2015. Other Global AppSec Events We are still accepting sponsorships for AppSec Cali 2016 to be held in Santa Monica, California on January 25-27, 2016. Visit the website for details. We are pleased to announce that AppSecUSA 2016 will be held on 11-14 October 2016 in Washington DC. Mark your calendars! | ||
Regional and Local EventsAppSec Rio de la Plata 2015, December 1, 2015 - December 3, 2015, Montevideo, Uruguay The first Conference Videos Videos from LASCON, (Lonestar Application Security Conference) in Austin, TX, USA, are now available on Vimeo. Partner and Promotional Events
CyberSecure December 15 - 16, 2015 The Sheraton Times Square New York, NY, USA |
Ads are not endorsements and reflect the messages of the advertiser only. They represent co-marketing arrangements |
New Chapters
Chapters Restarts
New Academic Supporters
Notable Chapter ActivityAshwini Paranjpe of the OWASP Pune chapter reported they completed their second chapter discussion at PTC. She would like to thank Manish and Sumita for a wonderful presentation on OWASP top 5 issues. And thanks to Sajith and PTC folks for arranging venue and tea/coffee for our chapter discussion. Note that presentation slide deck is uploaded at https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Pune#tab=Presentations The next Pune chapter meeting is scheduled for 17th December and will cover remaining 5 OWASP vulnerability issued, followed by a technical presentation on any security topic. Visit the Pune chapter wiki page for details or to volunteer. The NYC/NJ Chapters are trying something new at the December 7th meeting: two projects will make pitches to a crowd of 300, with two angel investors in attendance. They address questions such as "What does it take to get a project funded with limited resources?" How to fund of projects and how to allocate your personal time. Mark Miller interviewed Tom Brennan, OWASP Board member and event organizer, and OWASP Board member Josh Sokol as well as two people who will be pitching their projects. Listen in to see if this is something you might want to do for your chapter or project. We at the OWASP Global Foundation are looking forward to hearing about more such events in future. Share your chapter's successes! Submit your stories here |
Contributing Corporate Members
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